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marque SHURE
SHURE OUCHES Shure est une marque de référence dans la conception et fabrication de microphone et divers appareils audio.

Shure a bâti son empire sur des micros et des appareils électroniques audio de haute qualité. Le SM58 de Shure a été le bestseller de l’entreprise en 80 ans d’existence, un microphone à la sonorité naturelle qui est de qualité durable. Shure s’engage à offrir des produits fiables et de qualité exceptionnelle à travers une finition soignée. Beaucoup ont déjà fait confiance à Shure pour leurs expériences et encore beaucoup d’autres le feraient.


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A 578.2 km TREGUEUX

Les actualités De la Marque SHURE

Cette Marque ne propose pas d'actualité en ce moment.
En attendant, nous vous invitons à découvrir les actualités des Marques de la même catégorie, dans la rubrique ci-dessous.

Webinar — No Cords, No Worries: Wireless for Livestreaming | Shure Livestreaming has become a fundamental way to connect with global audiences, but the audio quality can often be a challenge.
In this Shure webinar, we will explore how to improve your audio for livestreaming, whether you're a content creator, mobile ...
Celebrating Women in Tech – Live Sound | Shure Join our President and CEO, Chris Schyvinck, as she hosts a panel of leading female live sound engineers from around the world to discuss challenges, opportunities, and the future of live sound audio engineering.
Featured Panelists:
Beckie Campbell is a ...
Webinar: Mastering Broadcast and Live Audio for Worship Services—Insights with David Fabian | Shure Watch this exclusive Shure webinar featuring David Fabian, renowned audio engineer and founder of D-Fab Productions. In this webinar, D-Fab will share his journey from growing up in Peru to becoming a sought-after audio professional in the US worship industry.
Which Ceiling Array Microphone is Right for Me in 2024? | Shure Webinar Join us again for an exclusive webinar featuring Shure experts Chris Lyons and Evan Groom to discuss ceiling array microphones for AV conferencing, Voice Lift, and Camera Tracking.
With the recent addition of the MXA901 Conferencing Ceiling Array Microphone to ...
The Shure Story: Our Relentless Pursuit of Audio Perfection
For nearly a century, Shure has been a prominent innovator in the world of audio: from a one-man radio parts wholesaler in Chicago, to a leader in audio systems with offices across the globe, our passion for the power ...
Shure Webinar: Three Things You Need to Take Your Podcast to the Next Level |... Want to step up your podcast game and increase your audience engagement? In this webinar, we’ll cover three key tactics that will enhance the appeal of your podcast and widen your audience base. We’ll delve into audio tips, promotional tools, ...
Celebrating Women in Tech - Theater | Shure Celebrating Women in Tech – Theater is a global panel discussion hosted by Shure CEO Chris Schyvinck that showcases an impressive group of successful women from around the world whose various offstage roles and contributions make theater and the collective ...
Celebrating Women in Tech - Broadcast Sound | Shure Moderated by Shure CEO Chris Schyvinck, this webinar showcases an impressive and inspiring group of leading women broadcast professionals from around the world in the third installment of Shure's Celebrating Women in Tech.
Panelists include:
Robyn Gerry-Rose
Robyn Gerry-Rose studied ...
Shure Webinar: Wireless Tech for Guitar Players and Bassists Watch this insightful webinar tailored to guitar players of all skill levels seeking to enhance their use of wireless technology.
Our Shure expert will guide you through various aspects of device setup, connectivity troubleshooting, and maximizing sound clarity and precision, ...
Shure Webinar: Enhancing Your Videoconferencing Experience with Equitable Audio Are you tired of battling poor audio quality during your webinars, remote meetings, or online training sessions? Join our team of Shure experts as they delve into the essential strategies, techniques, and solutions for achieving fair and equal access to ...
Shure Webinar: Learn How to Simplify Your Podcast or Stream Are you a content creator looking to deliver engaging content with ease? Watch our webinar, where we will share invaluable insights on how to simplify your podcast or stream. We will cover podcast setup basics, equipment options, and other tips ...
Shure MVX2U Digital Audio Interface Connecting your preferred XLR microphones directly to a computer has never been easier, with the MVX2U’s USB output, onboard digital signal processing and full control via ShurePlus MOTIV App integration.
Connect any XLR Mic to your computer:
Download the ...

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